Planning to spend 3 days in Slovenia but don't know what to do?
This Slovenia itinerary will provide you with all you need to know for visiting Slovenia in 3 days.
This is a complete travel itinerary including:
3-Day activities in Slovenia
Breakdown of things to do per day
Bonus suggestions of additional places to visit if you decide to extend
Places to eat
Recommendations of places to stay
Tips for traveling to Slovenia
Access to our Slovenia Google Maps with +200 locations handpicked for you!
Why trust us?
We are Fe and Edo. We have lived and traveled through Slovenia for more than 4 years now and we are putting all our tips together to help YOU come visit our beautiful country.
We want to help you make the most of your time here. Nothing makes us happier than sharing the places we see with you guys. After so many people asked us for itinerary tips through our Social Media, we decided to put this suggested itinerary together.
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